Of Bodies and Boundaries

27th July
7 p.m.
L’amica Geniale (Cocoinopress, 2020)

Growing up is a very delicate moment in a person's life, which can mark the rest of one's life. Eleonora Reggiori and Martina Madia, from the Twitch MensogneSortilegi channel, will talk to Mara Cerri, one of the most popular contemporary Italian illustrators, about her latest work created together with the playwright Chiara Lagani, the graphic novel L'amica geniale (Coconinopress, 2020), an adaptation of the novel by Elena Ferrante, and how growth, especially physical growth, brings with it a ruthless change, because it is impossible to avoid, and violent, because it totally overturns the perception of bodies and those who inhabit them.

Of Bodies and Boundaries