Thursday 14th September
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Tempio Pausania - Via Palmiro Togliatti – 10 (Mantelli)
Skate workshop and reading aloud on a skateboard (7-14 years)

Skate lessons by Andrea Sotgiu (A.s.d. Galluraid Tempio) and Mauro Ghezzo (Easy Skating) with the technical support of Vito Porcu's Kilauea skate shop (Sassari) for skateboard accessories and mini ramps.

Reading aloud lessons by Fulvio Accogli (Bottega No-Made). Project organised by Bottega No-Made and A.s.d. Galluraid Tempio

By reservation only, maximum 8 participants. Info and reservations: +39 349 8024059

Reference book: 'Stupidi giocattoli di legno. Lo skate nel cuore della metropoli' by Flavio Pintarelli