Don Pino Puglisi, faith and culture against the mafia

10th August
7 p.m.
Don Puglisi (ReNoir, 2021)

Faith and social commitment for don Pino Puglisi were two inseparable elements: culture of legality, commitment and sociality were his tools to heal the wounds of the mafia in his Sicily. And he did so, especially in the Brancaccio district of Palermo. That is why on 15 September 1993, on his 56th birthday, he was assassinated by the Graviano brothers. Riccardo Pagani and Marco Sonseri tell his story, for the first time in comics, in the graphic novel Don Puglisi, published by ReNoir (2021). Moderator: Virginia Padovani.


Don Pino Puglisi, faith and culture against the mafia